
Energy Laboratories has an extensive range of offerings and capabilities, many of which are listed here on our website. We also provide customized solutions for clients with unique needs.

Additional capabilities include:

Complete Crude Oil Analysis
Energy Laboratories provides comprehensive crude oil analysis for oil and gas companies to determine sample characteristics, evaluate quality and monitor contaminants. ASTM tests include bottom sediment and water, API and specific gravity, hempel distillation, pour point, sulfur and viscosity. Learn more here.

Routine Oilfield Water Analysis
Oilfield water analysis is an important component in the exploration, placement, expansion and operation of oil and gas fields. Energy Laboratories oilfield water analysis includes EPA and ASTM testing to provide insight into the geologic formation, determine corrosion potential and other key information. For specific testing information, please click here.

Natural Gas (NGA) and Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) Analyses
In conformity with Method GPA 2261-95, Energy Laboratories provides thorough testing services to identify the composition of natural and liquefied petroleum gases. Calculated properties include gross and net BTU, specific gravity and pseudo-critical temperatures and pressure. Learn more here.

The livelihood of farmers and ranchers depends on the health of their animals. Energy Laboratories offers a complement of services designed to evaluate the nutritional value of animal feed and test for any potential health hazards. Click here for more information.

To identify unknown materials in rock samples, geologists turn to Energy Laboratories. Our testing methods evaluate the scales, deposits, minerals and chemicals contained in each sample. This includes semi-quantitative analysis for inorganic compounds only. For additional information, please click here.

If the specific environmental testing or analytical service you are seeking is not listed on our website, please contact us. One of our experienced project managers would be happy to discuss how we can best meet your needs.